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What's Happening At The Little Church on the Hill    

FALL CRAFT FAIR Social Media PostSaturday, Nov 12th 10am - 4 pm Rain or Shine!.png
Study, Learn, Grow

During Advent and Lent, we typically hold events and other studies, i.e. a Lenten Soup and Salad Study, culminating on Good Friday. Check back next month for Advent, and in March for Lenten Soup and Salad Study Series, for sign-up information and schedule. We'd love for you to join us!

Upcoming Meetings and Classes 


6 Week Study  at SUMC in Memorial Hall. These small groups are limited 3-4 participants. Call and leave a message if interested. Led by Bob Helmond.

United Methodist Women's  

United Methodist Women at SUMC stays busy. They meet the first Wednesday of every month. This month, there will be 

a luncheon to celebrate the end of summer. It will be at noon in Memorial Hall. Call if you have questions.

Men's Gathering 

Mens’ fellowship meetings. Check back here for updated schedules. 

 Sunday Services    

Our Sunday morning service begins at 9:30 am.  It's a blend of contemporary and traditional with a contemplative spirit. Please come as you are and feel comfortable! We play some guitar, some organ and some electric piano, a little Djembe, mixed with a relaxed style and a real sense of community. We worship sincerely and laugh a lot. People hang around and want to talk to each other --  it's easy to make friends. But if you'd rather stay to yourself, the door is not far away for a subtle escape. We bet you won't though - but you can. :) 

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